Q: In 2010, if you invited every CFP(r) Board registered financial planning undergraduate degree program in the U.S. to compete in a 3-part Financial Planning Challenge where the students had to create a financial plan for a client, compete in a knowledge bowl, then adjust the plan in 36 hours to a change in the clients circumstances and present the new plan to the clients..... who would win????
A: William Paterson University.

William Paterson University students receiving their 1st place overall award w/ Marv Tuttle (FPA CEO) and Dr. Tom Potts (FPA President).

Nick Scheibner of Stanhope, Nathan Phillips of Sparta, and Cagla Yildirim of Parsippany won the National Financial Planning Challenge at the FPA national conference in Denver, Colorado held Oct 7-12. They worked on the case all summer long without knowing if they'd get anything but a line on their resume saying they "participated" and they ended up with the following:
1st place overall
1st place in the Knowledge Bowl
1st place in the case presentation
$10,000 in scholarship money
Multiple job offers!
"This event demonstrated the work ethic of WPU students and their desire to get into the financial planning profession." -Luke Dean

WPU booth @ the FPA conference. Thanks to the judges & event sponsors: FPA, Ameriprise Financial, CFP(r) Board, Academy of Financial Services

I don't want the students to sit too high on their horse, but they asked me to send this message to Texas Tech, Georgia, Virginia Tech, Missouri, K-State, and the rest of the universities w/ financial planning degree programs.